infant care singapore,infant development,parenthood

Camelot Infant Care is one of the premium infant care providers in the northeastern part of Singapore. We provide personalized educare service to children aged 2 – 36 months.




Our proprietary programme is curated based on the needs of each child.  We believe in caring and educating children in their early years to lay a strong foundation towards attaining these virtues:




C – Confidence


A – Affection


M – Moral


E – Enthusiasm


L – Love


O – Orderliness


T – Truthfulness




Connect with us at https:camelotinfant.comcontact-us. Book a tour to check out our Centre and our programme.  Witness how we nurture and bring out the full potential of the children in our care, develop their personalities, and shower them with love and affection the same way you do in your own homes.




Source: https:www.camelotinfant.comcamelot-your-partner-in-parenthood-journey


Education infant care singapore,infant development,parenthood

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