Manufacturing & Abacus, Bag, School Bag, Wholesale

When it comes to comparing the abacus with the calculator, it means we are comparing two different versions of calculation devices. Abacus is an analogue calculating device which requires full manual control; while calculator is a digital calculating device that used to perform numerical computations. Even though they both can do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, there are some differences between abacus and calculator. An abacus is not a tool that is used in order to help with mathematical calculations only.

The beads are positioned in different parallel rows and they can be moved up and down to denote arithmetic operations.

It requires the user to understand about each step of mental-arithmetic and the ability to move the beads in proper sequence. A skilled user is usually able to calculate faster than a calculator !

The abacus is used for brain development due to a coordinated functioning of both right and left hemisphere. The abacus training can help to cultivate and to improve users’ intelligence.

Furthermore, some abilities such as concentration, memory, spatial ability, visualization, analytical ability, observation and imagination will be enhanced after learning abacus.

On the other hand, we know that all digital devices require a power supply in order to operate. A calculator uses batteries or solar energy to make its digital numbers but the abacus requires no source of power.

The digital calculator is a portable electronic device to perform calculations or complex mathematics.

The digital calculator is a programmed device with formulae and the task is scheduled according to the formulae that have been programmed in the system. Both of the devices have their own strengths as well as limitations.

We believe that abacus and calculator are auxiliary to each other. IntelPro - Your Trusted Abacus Producer.

For more details, please contact Intelpro at +6012-283 6731 or visit

Manufacturing & Wholesale Manufacturing & Abacus, Bag, School Bag, Wholesale

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