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Address :
45 Kallang Pudding Road, #08-02B Alpha Building, Singapore 349317

Contact :
Tel +65-6743 7531

About us
We are a professional Accounting services in Singapore deploying highly qualified and experienced team to provide one stop services, including Accounting services, bookkeeping services, auditing services, income tax filing, corporate secretary, company incorporation, company strike-off, business consulting and corporate advisory services to local and international clients.

Our Experience
We have a dedicated team to serve the needs of companies from a wide spectrum of industries as below:-

- Air-conditioning
- Airline Agencies
- Automotive
- Educational & Training
- Food Industries
- Freight Forwarders
- Hardware
- Insurance Agencies
- Interior Design
- Investment Holdings
- IT Industries
- Jewellers
- Manufacturing
- MCST Accounts
- Movie productions
- Publishing
- Research & development
- Restaurants
- Retails
- Self-storage business
- Trading
- Wholesales

We are focused on providing value added services and addressing specific clients' needs, ensuring that every penny of our clients is well invested. It is our ultimate aspiration to grow with our clients and to establish long standing partnerships.

Our Vision
Accounting Consultancy Pte Ltd strives to be the “Preferred Accounting Firm” in the Asia Pacific Region by providing 3Ps (i.e. Professional, Personalised and Prompt) Services to our clienteles.

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